Monday 2 July 2012


Hello friends it is with heaviness of heart that I pick up my pen from the basket of ministry to pen down wot am about to say. First I thought of leaving issues the way they already are or should I say "judge not so that you will not be judged"? But am encourage to speak up because "by their fruit you shall know them". Maybe I should add that am tired of the fact that now when you tell people you r a
pastor, they look at you twice and you can just read in their eyes "am scared, and don't know whether to trust you or not". Their imaginary placards boldly reads "are you a passport,Python or a Pastor?"
I am daily bombarded with news and practical events that really calls for concern, from the new prophetic wave without sound word base and doctrines, to the industrialization of ministry across
the country, the display of charisma without character, the raising of a breed of believers who lack substance as a result of 'spiritual malnutrition or kwashokor' rooted in lack of balance diet from
their so called Pastors, the emergence of disciples who r not disciplined,charisma without character leading to various katakata, believers without behavior and who lack sound judgment, really calls for concern.
We cannot deny the fact that not all Pastors are called by God, some called God, some Called themselves, some were Called by their Stomach, some Volunteered, while others were called by God. Any how you got into ministry, there Is one factor you cannot sweep under the carpet- THE GOD FACTOR! With what is happening especially in some S̅ocalled churches nowadays I cannot but ask the
question DO WE REALLY FEAR GOD? The painful truth is that some who were genuinely called by God, are missing it because they feel intimidated by some of those not called by God who r being celebrated..
Let mi not bore you with too much reasons why I want to speak today, I will go straight to the point. My point is that not everyone who goes by the title
of a pastor or man of God is truly one, some r passports or Pythons!
Some pastors r Passport, they r the photocopy of another Pastor. Thank God for mentors, but your mentor must not b your method. Christ is your Ultimate model. You don't have 2 fry your hair because your mentor is doing so , the anointing is not in the hair. You don't have 2 always re-preach the sermon of other men of God. You can spend time with God and he will give you a message. Imitation most of the time is limitation. Don't get moi wrong I have mentors too. Whot am saying is that many Pastors now i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the name of father i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the Lord and mentor have been placed i̅in a box. A pastor of Church Z invited a guest preacher for his convention, the invited guest told the pastor of Church Z..I cannot come for your
programme! The pastor asked why, he said "You r not part of our clique!".. Some Pastor even go 2
extent of reciting the tongues of their socalled mentors.

The truth is your mentor is human and can mk
mistakes, some can even function as the "Old Prophet" i̅in the book of Kings, b careful..You need
2 hear God for yourself. If as a pastor your "pastor said" and "my mentor said" is more than your "God said", you have 2 watch it, you r tinting towards
a Passport.Stop trying 2 b likee somebody else because the best you can b is a photocopy and a
passport of wht already is.
If not that I understand the fact that people generally have a short attention span, I would have
written a whole book on this.
We have somany pythons on pastors clothing...a whole lot of them out there! Pythons shrink the live out of people. They see ministry as industry and can go any length t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ get the crowd. They r not interested i̅in the well being of their flock as far as their pocket is filled. Pythons kill, steal and destroy the sheep.
One way 2 identify pythons is that they send toxics into the air in the name of revelation and " God said" when God did not say! Most of their doctrines are not in line with scriptures,or they r scriptures turned upside down..their foundation is not strong.
They may reign for a while but they suddenly fade away. They have turn themselves into "god of men"
A Parent and strong members of Church "A" were

traveling out of town and they decided that daughter stay with their pastor because they didn't want her 2 mess around when they r way. Unfortunately, the python disflowered the girl and
threaten her that if she tells anybody she will die..she is iin the University now,and she is S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡
afraid of Pastors.
Another brother i̅in another Church" B" i̅in Delta state
was the head of Ushers iin the church. He was into Shipping, one of his expensive badges was stolen
and it is really making things difficult for him. All attempts 2 find the stolen vessel is proving
abortive. They had a programme iin his church and a "prophet" was invited,the prophet on the day of the programme mentioned his name,called
his phone number, and this brother rushed forward.
The prophet told him "God" was telling him who stole the vessel and whre it is located, but that the brother should see him after the service. After
service the brother met him, he told the brother that before he will give him the complete prophecy he should go and bring N450,000 then he will tell him the name of the person who stole the vessel and
Whre it is located. The brother begged him that he
does not have such amount, he told him that he should forget the prophecy then. The brother got angry and went 2 meet his "Pastor" who invited the prophet,2 tell him wht was happening and for the pastor 2 go and plead with the prophet, the Pastor
told him 2 go and settle the prophet. That was how the guy angrily left the church!...
Time will
not permit mi 2 tell you more, but I know
you understand wht I am talking about. Back iin the days when a pastor is your referee iin your CV companies consider it, but now....
I am not going 2 say much about this...than 2 say, they r called by God,and they see their calling as
a privilege. All their desire is 2 please their boss as they see 2 the well being of their flock. They do the
work of the ministry not because of wht they can gain but because at the end they want 2 hear, "well done gud and faithful servant,even as the Lord prosper them here on earth. They r conscious of the fact that, they were first christians before they became pastors and they don't want 2 miss heaven. They r "Men of God" not "God of men"! They r not perfect beings but they try their best 2 b kingdom examples. They don't say do wht I say but don't do wht I do. They boldly say imitate mi as I imitate Christ
If you think am talking 2 only Pastors, you r wrong...r you under a Passport,Python, or a Pastor. The truth is alot of Christians r very gullible and believe anything. Why has the prophetic ministry become a merchandise, because people r looking for teachers who will tell them what their itching ear wants 2 hear. They want who will tell them who their enemies r, or about d̶̲̥̅̊ problem they r already aware of. Some native doctors left shrines,put on a fine suit,and you who have been a believer since 19Abraham and 19Moses cannot sense the difference? Check your bornagainness...How can a Pastor bring a calabash and native pot 2 church
and say write your prayer point and put it inside, we want 2 use what the devil is using 2 fight him

back", and you see members obeying the
So called "divine instruction"?
It is worth noting however that Sometimes members can turn a pastor into a
passport or a python as a result of their attitude towards him. Your pastor will kindly tell you to come
and give to support God's work, you will not! A prophet from nowhere who does not understand your spiritual history comes and tell you that you will die, and says sow a seed of one million, you produce the seed with speed, and your pastor begins to wonder how you got such an amount.
The danger of sitting under a passport or python is that you will suffer the consequences. Most of the time, I wonder how people run after signs and wonders, when they r signs and a wonder themselves. You r a type of your pastor. If you r a victim of a scam you have to check yourself because, your desire is also faulty!
Finally Pastor, r you a Passport, python or a pastor? Who called you? If you were genuinely called, r you doing ministry in the way of the Lord, or in the way of the vogue? You started well but now you r missing it,remember better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof...please forget about your title or position it doesn't matter what matters is your mantle. Member, are you under a passport or a python, you better prayerfully look for a PASTOR,...i rest my case.

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