"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of
Herod the King,behold,there came Wise Men from the East to Jerusalem.
And thou Bethlehem,in the land Judah,art not thou the least among the
princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor,that shall rule
my people Israel".(Matthew 2 vs 1,2,6).
It is remarkably noteworthy that instead of being born in Jerusalem
as the wise men earlier thought,Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah.
They expected Jesus in the City of Kings,but He arrived at the little
town of Bethlehem.
Bethlehem was one of the least cities in Israel. It was the least
qualified place to produce a King. It didn't meet the expectations of
men with respect to where a King should be born. Jesus came at an
unexpected place: the little neglected and ignored town called
Friend,are there places you have written off? Are there people you
have looked at and imagine that nothing positive will ever come out of
them? Are there ideas you once nursed in your mind,but somehow you feel
they won't take you anywhere? Are there opportunities you see,and deep
within you,they look every bit like Bethlehem with no seeming prospect?
Today,glean yet another lesson: There just might be Kings in your
"Bethlehem". There is greatness waiting for you at places you least
imagined. There are opportunities for advancement waiting in
insignificant ideas you may have trivialised. You may have been branded
the least among your contemporaries,but God says you are about to shock
your generation with outstanding results.
Isn't it time you paid attention to your "Bethlehem". Pay attention
to the little things God is bringing your way,they just might be what
you need for the NEXT LEVEL
Beloved, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. This place was described as
small among the clans of Judah. In other words, the location of Jesus
birth was not a prestigious location. He came to a place we may say had
no significant advantage for moving up in life. Bethlehem would in
Nigerian parlance, be a minority or marginalized location.
One writer commented on this: 'Of all the places Jesus could have
been born, why Bethlehem? And mind you, it wasn't a random happenstance
that He was born there — it was foretold(Micah 5:2) . He was ordained by
God to be born there, and the prophets of old declared it. Bethlehem
was the chosen city of His birth. But why?
Maybe we might suppose that Bethlehem was chosen specifically
because it was so small and insignificant. After all, God seems to take
special delight in exalting the lowly and humbling the proud. He forever
is taking the things that are foolish, and confounding the wise; the
things that are nothing, to bring to nothing the things that are thought
to be something.”
Beloved, Bethlehem was no mistake. It was part of God's plan. It was
part of His design. You are also not where you are by mistake. Your
birth, residence, and opportunities are not a mistake. Even your
perceived disadvantages are not a mistakes.
The things which seem to be insignificant and small in your life are
a part of God’s work. Again today, do not take for granted your humble
beginnings or lowly status. He uses the inconspicuous things to shock
the world. Don’t give up on life. Your current shameful condition will
yet be turned to nothing when He makes His move in your life. Just think
of the uncelebrated baby of small Bethlehem now the acclaimed eternal
King! Your background is not enough reason for your back to be on the
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