Wande is a young man in his mid-thirties.
About eight months ago, he moved into a
two bedroom apartment and as he got to
know his neighbours better, he discovered
that one of them, Mariam, was a widow.
Mariam, in her early thirties, had been
married just four years when her husband
died in a motor accident; they had a son.
Wande was moved by her plight and
decided to help her whenever he could.
He began by helping her put on the
generator whenever there was power
outage, then he helped to arrange for an
electrician to help fix some faults in her
apartment and even helped her once or
twice to get fuel during the shortage crisis;
as gratitude for his thoughtfulness, Mariam
often cooked for him. Wande also grew
close to Mariam’s son, Richard; he took
him out a lot, spent hours playing with him
and Richard often spent the better part of
the weekends in Wande’s apartment.
Though he had no ulterior motives for his
actions, it became clear to Wande one
evening that he had to put a stop to his
actions when one of his other neighbours
referred to Mariam as his wife; he soon
learnt that people thought he was having
an affair with Mariam and he decided to
pull back from her but it was easier said
than done. After two days of not seeing
Mariam or picking her calls, Wande realised
that he missed her a lot and soon reverted
to spending time with her and Richard. In
all this, he never really thought of the fact
that they were getting attached to each
Whilst all this was still going on, Wande
met and began dating Kike. He had told
Kike about Mariam earlier in their
relationship but somehow the ladies had
never met each other. At first, Kike had
also felt compassion for Mariam and
supported his lending a hand when
necessary but when she noticed that
Mariam and Richard’s names always
cropped up whenever Wande was telling
her about his day, she grew wary. One day,
Kike asked to meet Mariam and Wande
obliged. After the visit, Kike told Wande
that Mariam was in love with him and
asked him to redefine their friendship.
Wande did not believe Kike and teased her
about her jealousy, but when she insisted
and he sensed her seriousness, he
promised to put a distance between
himself and Mariam and he did.
Some days later, Mariam visited Wande
and accused him of avoiding her; at a
point, she burst into tears as she told him
that she loved and missed him and that he
was a father figure to Richard, Wande had
to fight himself not to take her in his arms
to comfort her. He had to promise to see
her the next day before she left his
apartment. Immediately, he called Kike
and told her all that had happened; after
scolding him for his carelessness with
Mariam’s emotions, she encouraged him to
continue avoiding Mariam. Wande and
Mariam no longer speak to each other; in
fact, she treats him as if he does not exist.
It is now clear to Wande that Mariam was
emotionally attached and he wishes he had
been more careful and considerate of her.
He wanted to help but ended up hurting
her and Richard.
Friendships are built and they occur on four
different levels .i.e. acquaintance, casual,
close and intimate friendship. An
acquaintance is someone you see once in a
while and with whom you only exchange
greetings; an acquaintance is an “hello-
friend”. A casual friend is someone with
whom you actually hold conversations;
however, the conversations are light-
hearted and do not involve any sharing of
deep issues. Between men and women, it
is advised that the friendship be restricted
to either acquaintance or casual level if
both parties are not romantically involved
with each other; this is simply to protect
them from hurting each other. A close
friend is someone with whom you share
your thoughts, fears, hopes for the future,
etc; a close friend bonds with you over
time and has access to your heart. It is
therefore unwise and dangerous to have
close friendship with a member of the
opposite sex if he/she is not your spouse
or someone you intend to marry. This was
the mistake Wande and Mariam made
Women are emotional beings. When a
woman meets a man who listens, takes
care of her needs, spends quality time with
her and just generally shows that he cares,
she opens up and bonds emotionally with
him; this is what Mariam experienced with
Wande. He was more than a neighbour to
her; he was a man who cared for her as a
woman, someone she had grown to trust
and even love. He had become her close,
almost intimate, friend and to whom much
is given, much is expected.
Boundaries are important in relationships;
they help to guard against heartbreak,
betrayal and pain. The level of friendship
desired determines the kind of boundaries
that will be built. If all you want is casual
friendship, don’t spend much time or
exchange confidence with the other person
and don’t encourage him/her to do so with
you either. Helping Mariam was a good
idea but Wande should never have allowed
her to share her fears, hopes and pain with
him; it was not right for him to grow close
to her. She was vulnerable and he took
advantage of that, though unintentionally.
If they had established boundaries for their
friendship, the story would have been
As we go through life, we will meet
different people. Some will remain in our
lives forever while some will leave after a
short while but irrespective of long we are
a part of each others lives, we must be
careful to be good and kind to each other.
Purpose never to leave another person
wishing they had never met you and one of
the first steps towards achieving this is
having boundaries for all your
relationships. Do not share with an
acquaintance, casual friend, colleague,
secretary, driver, that which is meant for
your spouse or fiancé.
If like Wande, you have hurt someone
unintentionally, please ask God for
forgiveness and seek how you can make
amends (without getting yourself in the
same predicament again). Never
underestimate the power of repentance
and offering an apology; ask God to show
you how you can make amends.
If like Mariam, you are the injured party,
you need to forgive and let God heal your
broken heart. You also need to learn to
handle your emotions better; make
decisions based on information and not
what you feel or think. Is someone
spending a lot of time with you? Ask him/
her to define what they want, do not
assume anything!!!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Rape is an act of FORCING or LURING someone into sexual intercourse without the consent or consciousness of the victim...
1. Shock, Disbelief and denial
2. Vaginal tears, bleeding and pains
3. Abnormal sexual urges( E.g masochism)
4. Self-blame and guilt
5. Hatrad for sex in marriage
6. Worry,anxiety and hypertension
7. Persistent fear
8 Restlessness and nightmares
9.Bitterness and hatred for people of opposite sex
10. Unwanted Pregnancy
11. Unforgiving Spirit and revenge
12 Suicide
13 Psychosis or Psychosomatic problem
1. Negligence and Complacent Attitudes
2.Passing Blame on the victim
3.Legal pursuit without the consent of the victim
4. Making Negative Recount of the Past experience
1. Provocative Dressings
2. Questionable Visitation to opposite sex
3. HitchHiking (Free ride)
4. Bad friends/relationship
5. Night Party
6. Walkin or staying alone in a dangerous and delicate zone
7. Robbery Attacks
8. Unnecessary arrogance, abuse, unruly attitude towards opposite sex 9. Indecent body contact with opposite sex
10 Putting sleeping or seductive drugs in drinks or food
11. Love for money, wealth and clothing
12 Seeking help from ungodly counselors
13 Pornography,junk music and misleading books
14 Hypnotism and Charming
15 Demonic attack
1. Go to the Hospital within 24 hours
2. Go for an intensive Counselling with a trustworthy Counselor
3. Withdraw from Bad company
4. Destroy anything that reminds you of the past
5. Forgive your Offender (s)....I know this is difficult, but it is one of the major keys to your freedom
Rape is an act of FORCING or LURING someone into sexual intercourse without the consent or consciousness of the victim...
1. Shock, Disbelief and denial
2. Vaginal tears, bleeding and pains
3. Abnormal sexual urges( E.g masochism)
4. Self-blame and guilt
5. Hatrad for sex in marriage
6. Worry,anxiety and hypertension
7. Persistent fear
8 Restlessness and nightmares
9.Bitterness and hatred for people of opposite sex
10. Unwanted Pregnancy
11. Unforgiving Spirit and revenge
12 Suicide
13 Psychosis or Psychosomatic problem
1. Negligence and Complacent Attitudes
2.Passing Blame on the victim
3.Legal pursuit without the consent of the victim
4. Making Negative Recount of the Past experience
1. Provocative Dressings
2. Questionable Visitation to opposite sex
3. HitchHiking (Free ride)
4. Bad friends/relationship
5. Night Party
6. Walkin or staying alone in a dangerous and delicate zone
7. Robbery Attacks
8. Unnecessary arrogance, abuse, unruly attitude towards opposite sex 9. Indecent body contact with opposite sex
10 Putting sleeping or seductive drugs in drinks or food
11. Love for money, wealth and clothing
12 Seeking help from ungodly counselors
13 Pornography,junk music and misleading books
14 Hypnotism and Charming
15 Demonic attack
1. Go to the Hospital within 24 hours
2. Go for an intensive Counselling with a trustworthy Counselor
3. Withdraw from Bad company
4. Destroy anything that reminds you of the past
5. Forgive your Offender (s)....I know this is difficult, but it is one of the major keys to your freedom
Hello beloved, Please Permit me to introduce God,
1) Genesis, He is Your Creator
2) Exodus, He is Your Redeemer
3) Leviticus, He is your Sanctification
4) Numbers, He is your Guide
5) Deuteronomy, He is your Teacher
6) Joshua, He is Your Mighty Conqueror
7) Judges, He gives You Victory over Your Enemies
Ruth, He is Your Kinsman, Your Lover, Your Redeemer
9) 1st Samuel, He is the Root of Jesse
10) 2nd Samuel, He is the Father of David
11) 1st Kings, He is King of Kings
12) 2nd Kings, He is the Lord of Lords
13) 1st Chronicles, He is Your Intercessor
14) 2nd Chronicles, He is Your High Priest
15) Ezra, He is Your Temple, Your House of Worship
16) Nehemiah, He is Your Mighty Wall, Protecting You from Your Enemies
17) Esther, He Stands in the Gap to Deliver You from Your Enemies
18) Job, He is the Arbitrator who not only Understands Your Struggles, but has the Power to do something about them
19)Psalms, He is your Song and Your Reason to Sing
20) Proverbs, He is Your Wisdom, Helping You make Sense in Life and Live it Successfully
21) Ecclesiastes, He is Your Purpose, Delivering You from Vanity.
22) Song of Solomon, He is Your Lover, Your Rose of Sharon.
23) Isaiah, He is Your Mighty Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father, and More. He's Everything You Need
24) Jeremiah, He is Your Balm of Gilead, the Soothing Salve for Your Sin-Sick Soul
25) Lamentations, He is the Ever-Faithful One upon whom You can Depend
26) Ezekiel, He is Your Wheel in the Middle of a Wheel the One who Assures that the Dry and Dead Bones will come Alive Again
27) Daniel, He is the Ancient of Days, the Ever- Lasting God who never Runs out of Time
28) Hosea, He is Your Faithful Lover, always Beckoning You to come back Even when You have Abandoned Him
29) Joel, He is Your Refuge, Keeping You Saft in Times of Trouble
30) Amos, He is the Husbandman, the One You can Depend on to Stay by Your Side
31) Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom
32) Jonah, He is Your Salvation, bringing You back within His will
33) Micah, He is Judge of the Nation
34) Nahum, He is A Jealous God.
35 Habakkuk, He is the Holy One
36) Zephaniah, He is the Witness
37) Haggai, He Overthrows the Enemies
38) Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts In 39.Malachi, He is God of Abundance) ,
AND in the new Covenant, which is a better covenant
In Matthew he is the King of the Jews, in Mark He is the Miraculous God, In Luke He is the God of the Gentiles, In John He is The Word, and God Shepherd, In Acts of the Apostle He is the God of Power, in Romans He is the God of Salvation, in I Corinthians He is Love, in 2 Corinthians He is our Comforter, In Galatians He is our Liberty, in Ephesians He is the God that can do more than we can ask or Imagine, in Philippians He is the God that supplies all our needs, in Colossians He is Supreme God, in I thessalonians He is the Soon coming King, in 2 Thessalonians He is the God of Prayer and Praise, in 1 Timothy He is the God of Ministry in 2 Timothy He is our empowerment, in Titus he is the God of Exploits, In Philemon he is our Solicitor, In Hebrew He is Our High Priest and advocate, In 1 Peter He is Our Hope, in 2 Peter he is our Grace, in I John He is the Tangible God, in 2 John he is Our friend, in 3 John God he is the God of Prosperity, in Jude He is the God Of THE FAITH, in Revelations, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End!!! GIVE HIM PRAISE! I HAVE A BETTER COVENANT!
1) Genesis, He is Your Creator
2) Exodus, He is Your Redeemer
3) Leviticus, He is your Sanctification
4) Numbers, He is your Guide
5) Deuteronomy, He is your Teacher
6) Joshua, He is Your Mighty Conqueror
7) Judges, He gives You Victory over Your Enemies
Ruth, He is Your Kinsman, Your Lover, Your Redeemer
9) 1st Samuel, He is the Root of Jesse
10) 2nd Samuel, He is the Father of David
11) 1st Kings, He is King of Kings
12) 2nd Kings, He is the Lord of Lords
13) 1st Chronicles, He is Your Intercessor
14) 2nd Chronicles, He is Your High Priest
15) Ezra, He is Your Temple, Your House of Worship
16) Nehemiah, He is Your Mighty Wall, Protecting You from Your Enemies
17) Esther, He Stands in the Gap to Deliver You from Your Enemies
18) Job, He is the Arbitrator who not only Understands Your Struggles, but has the Power to do something about them
19)Psalms, He is your Song and Your Reason to Sing
20) Proverbs, He is Your Wisdom, Helping You make Sense in Life and Live it Successfully
21) Ecclesiastes, He is Your Purpose, Delivering You from Vanity.
22) Song of Solomon, He is Your Lover, Your Rose of Sharon.
23) Isaiah, He is Your Mighty Counselor, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father, and More. He's Everything You Need
24) Jeremiah, He is Your Balm of Gilead, the Soothing Salve for Your Sin-Sick Soul
25) Lamentations, He is the Ever-Faithful One upon whom You can Depend
26) Ezekiel, He is Your Wheel in the Middle of a Wheel the One who Assures that the Dry and Dead Bones will come Alive Again
27) Daniel, He is the Ancient of Days, the Ever- Lasting God who never Runs out of Time
28) Hosea, He is Your Faithful Lover, always Beckoning You to come back Even when You have Abandoned Him
29) Joel, He is Your Refuge, Keeping You Saft in Times of Trouble
30) Amos, He is the Husbandman, the One You can Depend on to Stay by Your Side
31) Obadiah, He is Lord of the Kingdom
32) Jonah, He is Your Salvation, bringing You back within His will
33) Micah, He is Judge of the Nation
34) Nahum, He is A Jealous God.
35 Habakkuk, He is the Holy One
36) Zephaniah, He is the Witness
37) Haggai, He Overthrows the Enemies
38) Zechariah, He is Lord of Hosts In 39.Malachi, He is God of Abundance) ,
AND in the new Covenant, which is a better covenant
In Matthew he is the King of the Jews, in Mark He is the Miraculous God, In Luke He is the God of the Gentiles, In John He is The Word, and God Shepherd, In Acts of the Apostle He is the God of Power, in Romans He is the God of Salvation, in I Corinthians He is Love, in 2 Corinthians He is our Comforter, In Galatians He is our Liberty, in Ephesians He is the God that can do more than we can ask or Imagine, in Philippians He is the God that supplies all our needs, in Colossians He is Supreme God, in I thessalonians He is the Soon coming King, in 2 Thessalonians He is the God of Prayer and Praise, in 1 Timothy He is the God of Ministry in 2 Timothy He is our empowerment, in Titus he is the God of Exploits, In Philemon he is our Solicitor, In Hebrew He is Our High Priest and advocate, In 1 Peter He is Our Hope, in 2 Peter he is our Grace, in I John He is the Tangible God, in 2 John he is Our friend, in 3 John God he is the God of Prosperity, in Jude He is the God Of THE FAITH, in Revelations, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End!!! GIVE HIM PRAISE! I HAVE A BETTER COVENANT!
One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in
But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy.
So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents
as well. In time, the parents saw that
he was a good man and was worthy of
their daughter’s hand.
But there was another
problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year.
The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will
you marry me?” She
wiped a tear, said yes, and they were
engaged. They agreed that when he got back
in one year, they would get married.
But tragedy struck. A few days after he left,
the girl had a major vehicular accident. It
was a head-on collision.
When she woke up in the hospital, she saw
her father and mother
Immediately, she knew there was something wrong.
She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged.
Her once lovely face was now disfigured.
She cried as she saw herself in the mirror.
“Yesterday, I was beautiful.
Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so
many ugly wounds.
Right there and then, she decided to release
her fiancé from their
She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never
see him again.
For one year, the soldier wrote many letters— but she wouldn’t answer.
He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return her calls.
But after one year, the mother walked into
her room and announced,
“He’s back from the war.”
The girl shouted, “No!
Please don’t tell him
about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!”
The mother said, “He’s
getting married,” and
handed her a wedding invitation.
The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him—but she had to forget
him now. With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation. And then she saw her name
on it!
Confused, she asked, “What is this?” That was when the young man entered her
room with a bouquet of flowers.
He knelt beside her and asked, “Will
you marry me?” The girl covered her face with her hands and
said, “I’m ugly!”
The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has
changed. You’re still the person I fell in love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you!”
Interesting You may say, this goes to show us the love Jesus has for everyone of us. Despite all we did, he still cared and died for us all.
Word from Jesus to you today is "I died that you may live and enjoy Gods full benefit. I want the best for you, I want you to have
a glorious end, let me take your poverty so that you can have my riches, allow me to come and dwell in
your life today so this will become true."
Don't just read please say this short prayer with me.
'O Lord my father, I come to you today, accepting my errors and knowing that
whoever will come to you, you will not cast out, save
me from my dirty act and make me a better person in Jesus name'
proudly and willingly Shout a big Amen. God bless you Twitter @anthonyojakovo BB 22054C10
But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy.
So the young man decided not only to court the girl but to court her parents
as well. In time, the parents saw that
he was a good man and was worthy of
their daughter’s hand.
But there was another
problem: The man was a soldier. Soon, war broke out and he was being sent overseas for a year.
The week before he left, the man knelt on his knee and asked his lady love, “Will
you marry me?” She
wiped a tear, said yes, and they were
engaged. They agreed that when he got back
in one year, they would get married.
But tragedy struck. A few days after he left,
the girl had a major vehicular accident. It
was a head-on collision.
When she woke up in the hospital, she saw
her father and mother
Immediately, she knew there was something wrong.
She later found out that she suffered brain injury. The part of her brain that controlled her face muscles was damaged.
Her once lovely face was now disfigured.
She cried as she saw herself in the mirror.
“Yesterday, I was beautiful.
Today, I’m a monster.” Her body was also covered with so
many ugly wounds.
Right there and then, she decided to release
her fiancé from their
She knew he wouldn’t want her anymore. She would forget about him and never
see him again.
For one year, the soldier wrote many letters— but she wouldn’t answer.
He phoned her many times but she wouldn’t return her calls.
But after one year, the mother walked into
her room and announced,
“He’s back from the war.”
The girl shouted, “No!
Please don’t tell him
about me. Don’t tell him I’m here!”
The mother said, “He’s
getting married,” and
handed her a wedding invitation.
The girl’s heart sank. She knew she still loved him—but she had to forget
him now. With great sadness, she opened the wedding invitation. And then she saw her name
on it!
Confused, she asked, “What is this?” That was when the young man entered her
room with a bouquet of flowers.
He knelt beside her and asked, “Will
you marry me?” The girl covered her face with her hands and
said, “I’m ugly!”
The man said, “Without your permission, your mother sent me your photos. When I saw your photos, I realized that nothing has
changed. You’re still the person I fell in love. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Because I love you!”
Interesting You may say, this goes to show us the love Jesus has for everyone of us. Despite all we did, he still cared and died for us all.
Word from Jesus to you today is "I died that you may live and enjoy Gods full benefit. I want the best for you, I want you to have
a glorious end, let me take your poverty so that you can have my riches, allow me to come and dwell in
your life today so this will become true."
Don't just read please say this short prayer with me.
'O Lord my father, I come to you today, accepting my errors and knowing that
whoever will come to you, you will not cast out, save
me from my dirty act and make me a better person in Jesus name'
proudly and willingly Shout a big Amen. God bless you Twitter @anthonyojakovo BB 22054C10
Thursday, 23 May 2013
When she is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind. When she is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When she stares at you,she is wondering why she loves you so much in spite of being taken for granted. When she calls you everyday, she wants to know how you are doing.
When she text you everyday, she wants you to reply at least once. When she says 'I Love you',she means it. When she says 'I Miss you',no one in this world can miss you more than her. When she says 'I will stand by you', she will stand by you like a rock.
A woman is special. She is said to be the 8th wonder. She is always a priceless treasure. Never hurt her or take her for granted.
Forward this to every woman to make her smile and to every man to make him realize just how priceless his WOMAN is. make her smile always!! W-O-M-A-N What Our Men Are Not! www.anthonyojspeaks.blogspot.com 2180A49E
When she is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind. When she is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When she stares at you,she is wondering why she loves you so much in spite of being taken for granted. When she calls you everyday, she wants to know how you are doing.
When she text you everyday, she wants you to reply at least once. When she says 'I Love you',she means it. When she says 'I Miss you',no one in this world can miss you more than her. When she says 'I will stand by you', she will stand by you like a rock.
A woman is special. She is said to be the 8th wonder. She is always a priceless treasure. Never hurt her or take her for granted.
Forward this to every woman to make her smile and to every man to make him realize just how priceless his WOMAN is. make her smile always!! W-O-M-A-N What Our Men Are Not! www.anthonyojspeaks.blogspot.com 2180A49E
I will go straight to the point!
(1) A Girl knows How to Demand.
A Woman knows How To Contribute.
(2) Girls Complain Too Often,
A Woman Will Observe For a While, And Then Call Her Man's Attention To The Matter Arising. (3) Girls Can Spend N5000 On Ice Cream,
A Woman Can manage N5000 To Cook For a Week.
(4) A Girl Will Wanna Keep Up With Trends.
A Woman Will Wanna Consider Her Man's Progress....
(5) A Girl Will Never Ask How He Manages. Caring After Him Is a Woman's Priority.
(6) A Girl Will Measure Her Man's Worth By The Weight Of His Pocket.
A Woman Will Measure Her Man's Worth By His Level Of Wisdom And The Fear Of God And How Disciplined He Can Be Towards Finances.
(7) A Girl Is Naturally Selfish, Stubborn, And Short Sighted.
A Woman Is Sacrificial, Loyal, Future Oriented And Family Minded.
(8) A Girl Wants Everything Now.
A Woman Waits Until They Can Both Attend To Their Needs As At When Possible.
(9) A Girl Is Not Considerate.
A Woman Helps Her Man To Plan. Just click www.anthonyojspeaks.blogspot.com where we discuss real issues of life, and I bet you will be blessed
(1) A Girl knows How to Demand.
A Woman knows How To Contribute.
(2) Girls Complain Too Often,
A Woman Will Observe For a While, And Then Call Her Man's Attention To The Matter Arising. (3) Girls Can Spend N5000 On Ice Cream,
A Woman Can manage N5000 To Cook For a Week.
(4) A Girl Will Wanna Keep Up With Trends.
A Woman Will Wanna Consider Her Man's Progress....
(5) A Girl Will Never Ask How He Manages. Caring After Him Is a Woman's Priority.
(6) A Girl Will Measure Her Man's Worth By The Weight Of His Pocket.
A Woman Will Measure Her Man's Worth By His Level Of Wisdom And The Fear Of God And How Disciplined He Can Be Towards Finances.
(7) A Girl Is Naturally Selfish, Stubborn, And Short Sighted.
A Woman Is Sacrificial, Loyal, Future Oriented And Family Minded.
(8) A Girl Wants Everything Now.
A Woman Waits Until They Can Both Attend To Their Needs As At When Possible.
(9) A Girl Is Not Considerate.
A Woman Helps Her Man To Plan. Just click www.anthonyojspeaks.blogspot.com where we discuss real issues of life, and I bet you will be blessed
Marriage is a School where you get the Certificate before you
start. A school where you will never graduate, ... A school without
break or a...free period, A school where no one is allowed to drop out, A
school which you will have to attend every day of your life, A school
where there is no sick leave or holidays. A school founded
by God:
1.On the foundation of love,
2.The walls are made out of
3.The door made out
of acceptance,
4.The windows made out of
5.The furniture made out of
6.The roof made out of faith
Before you forget, you are just a student not the
principal, even if you are the husband.
God is the Principal. Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and
run outside. Remember this school is the safest place to
be. Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day. Never forget the C-word, Communicate, communicate, communicate to your classmate and to the Principal if you find out
something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate.
Remember your classmate is also just a student and not a graduate, God has not finished with him/her yet. So take it as a challenge and work on it together. Do not forget to study, study, study the Bible (the main textbook in this school).
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way. Sometimes you will feel like not attending classes, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find courage and continue. Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much
you can bear.
Even then it remains a school better than any other. It is one of the best schools on earth. Joy, peace and happiness accompany
each lesson of the day.
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject. After all the years of theorizing about it, now
you have a chance to practice it.
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest
privilege you can have.
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse..
by God:
1.On the foundation of love,
2.The walls are made out of
3.The door made out
of acceptance,
4.The windows made out of
5.The furniture made out of
6.The roof made out of faith
Before you forget, you are just a student not the
principal, even if you are the husband.
God is the Principal. Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and
run outside. Remember this school is the safest place to
be. Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day. Never forget the C-word, Communicate, communicate, communicate to your classmate and to the Principal if you find out
something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate.
Remember your classmate is also just a student and not a graduate, God has not finished with him/her yet. So take it as a challenge and work on it together. Do not forget to study, study, study the Bible (the main textbook in this school).
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way. Sometimes you will feel like not attending classes, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find courage and continue. Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much
you can bear.
Even then it remains a school better than any other. It is one of the best schools on earth. Joy, peace and happiness accompany
each lesson of the day.
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject. After all the years of theorizing about it, now
you have a chance to practice it.
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest
privilege you can have.
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse..
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that
they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a
lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be – a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger – but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.
If someone loves you, give love back to them in whatever way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say.
Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.
You can make anything you wish of your life. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
And if you love someone tell them, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.
Learn a lesson in life each day that you live!
Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.
Think About it? Was it worth it?
You never know who these people may be – a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger – but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.
If someone loves you, give love back to them in whatever way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say.
Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.
You can make anything you wish of your life. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.
And if you love someone tell them, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.
Learn a lesson in life each day that you live!
Today is the tomorrow you were worried about yesterday.
Think About it? Was it worth it?
"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of
Herod the King,behold,there came Wise Men from the East to Jerusalem.
And thou Bethlehem,in the land Judah,art not thou the least among the
princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a Governor,that shall rule
my people Israel".(Matthew 2 vs 1,2,6).
It is remarkably noteworthy that instead of being born in Jerusalem as the wise men earlier thought,Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah. They expected Jesus in the City of Kings,but He arrived at the little town of Bethlehem.
Bethlehem was one of the least cities in Israel. It was the least qualified place to produce a King. It didn't meet the expectations of men with respect to where a King should be born. Jesus came at an unexpected place: the little neglected and ignored town called Bethlehem.
Friend,are there places you have written off? Are there people you have looked at and imagine that nothing positive will ever come out of them? Are there ideas you once nursed in your mind,but somehow you feel they won't take you anywhere? Are there opportunities you see,and deep within you,they look every bit like Bethlehem with no seeming prospect?
Today,glean yet another lesson: There just might be Kings in your "Bethlehem". There is greatness waiting for you at places you least imagined. There are opportunities for advancement waiting in insignificant ideas you may have trivialised. You may have been branded the least among your contemporaries,but God says you are about to shock your generation with outstanding results.
Isn't it time you paid attention to your "Bethlehem". Pay attention to the little things God is bringing your way,they just might be what you need for the NEXT LEVEL
Beloved, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. This place was described as small among the clans of Judah. In other words, the location of Jesus birth was not a prestigious location. He came to a place we may say had no significant advantage for moving up in life. Bethlehem would in Nigerian parlance, be a minority or marginalized location.
One writer commented on this: 'Of all the places Jesus could have been born, why Bethlehem? And mind you, it wasn't a random happenstance that He was born there — it was foretold(Micah 5:2) . He was ordained by God to be born there, and the prophets of old declared it. Bethlehem was the chosen city of His birth. But why?
Maybe we might suppose that Bethlehem was chosen specifically because it was so small and insignificant. After all, God seems to take special delight in exalting the lowly and humbling the proud. He forever is taking the things that are foolish, and confounding the wise; the things that are nothing, to bring to nothing the things that are thought to be something.”
Beloved, Bethlehem was no mistake. It was part of God's plan. It was part of His design. You are also not where you are by mistake. Your birth, residence, and opportunities are not a mistake. Even your perceived disadvantages are not a mistakes.
The things which seem to be insignificant and small in your life are a part of God’s work. Again today, do not take for granted your humble beginnings or lowly status. He uses the inconspicuous things to shock the world. Don’t give up on life. Your current shameful condition will yet be turned to nothing when He makes His move in your life. Just think of the uncelebrated baby of small Bethlehem now the acclaimed eternal King! Your background is not enough reason for your back to be on the ground!
It is remarkably noteworthy that instead of being born in Jerusalem as the wise men earlier thought,Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah. They expected Jesus in the City of Kings,but He arrived at the little town of Bethlehem.
Bethlehem was one of the least cities in Israel. It was the least qualified place to produce a King. It didn't meet the expectations of men with respect to where a King should be born. Jesus came at an unexpected place: the little neglected and ignored town called Bethlehem.
Friend,are there places you have written off? Are there people you have looked at and imagine that nothing positive will ever come out of them? Are there ideas you once nursed in your mind,but somehow you feel they won't take you anywhere? Are there opportunities you see,and deep within you,they look every bit like Bethlehem with no seeming prospect?
Today,glean yet another lesson: There just might be Kings in your "Bethlehem". There is greatness waiting for you at places you least imagined. There are opportunities for advancement waiting in insignificant ideas you may have trivialised. You may have been branded the least among your contemporaries,but God says you are about to shock your generation with outstanding results.
Isn't it time you paid attention to your "Bethlehem". Pay attention to the little things God is bringing your way,they just might be what you need for the NEXT LEVEL
Beloved, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. This place was described as small among the clans of Judah. In other words, the location of Jesus birth was not a prestigious location. He came to a place we may say had no significant advantage for moving up in life. Bethlehem would in Nigerian parlance, be a minority or marginalized location.
One writer commented on this: 'Of all the places Jesus could have been born, why Bethlehem? And mind you, it wasn't a random happenstance that He was born there — it was foretold(Micah 5:2) . He was ordained by God to be born there, and the prophets of old declared it. Bethlehem was the chosen city of His birth. But why?
Maybe we might suppose that Bethlehem was chosen specifically because it was so small and insignificant. After all, God seems to take special delight in exalting the lowly and humbling the proud. He forever is taking the things that are foolish, and confounding the wise; the things that are nothing, to bring to nothing the things that are thought to be something.”
Beloved, Bethlehem was no mistake. It was part of God's plan. It was part of His design. You are also not where you are by mistake. Your birth, residence, and opportunities are not a mistake. Even your perceived disadvantages are not a mistakes.
The things which seem to be insignificant and small in your life are a part of God’s work. Again today, do not take for granted your humble beginnings or lowly status. He uses the inconspicuous things to shock the world. Don’t give up on life. Your current shameful condition will yet be turned to nothing when He makes His move in your life. Just think of the uncelebrated baby of small Bethlehem now the acclaimed eternal King! Your background is not enough reason for your back to be on the ground!
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil,
“Before I send you out into the world. Always remember
them and never forget, and you will become the best
pencil you can be...”
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter
what the condition, you must continue to write.”
Friends, replacing the place of the pencil with You... Always
remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other
human beings to access you for the many gifts you
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, by going through various problems in life, but
you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you walk through, you must
leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must
continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill
the purpose to which you were born to accomplish
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil,
“Before I send you out into the world. Always remember
them and never forget, and you will become the best
pencil you can be...”
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter
what the condition, you must continue to write.”
Friends, replacing the place of the pencil with You... Always
remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other
human beings to access you for the many gifts you
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, by going through various problems in life, but
you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you walk through, you must
leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must
continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill
the purpose to which you were born to accomplish
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil,
“Before I send you out into the world. Always remember
them and never forget, and you will become the best
pencil you can be...”
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter
what the condition, you must continue to write.”
Friends, replacing the place of the pencil with You... Always
remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other
human beings to access you for the many gifts you
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, by going through various problems in life, but
you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you walk through, you must
leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must
continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill
the purpose to which you were born to accomplish
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil,
“Before I send you out into the world. Always remember
them and never forget, and you will become the best
pencil you can be...”
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter
what the condition, you must continue to write.”
Friends, replacing the place of the pencil with You... Always
remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
One:- “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other
human beings to access you for the many gifts you
Two:- “You will experience a painful sharpening from time
to time, by going through various problems in life, but
you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”
Three:- “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”
Four:- “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”
And Five:- “On every surface you walk through, you must
leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must
continue to do your duties.”
Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill
the purpose to which you were born to accomplish
I used to be that innocent girl who hadthe world at
her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and hips
that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I
was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart
burning for God.
When I entered the university, I met a guy, his
name was Derrick.
I couldn抰 believe my luck the first time I bumped
into him on my way to class, he had such a kind
smile and a tender look that weakened my knees
when he spoke.
Because I was late for class we couldn抰talk much
but barely three weeks later, I met him at the
fresher抯 night party and I was overwhelmed. We
got talking and I found out that he was in his
second year and from that night, we became an
inseparable pair.
At first, we were friends and as months passed by,
we got closer and closer and the chemistry
between us was undeniable.
About a year after I entered the university, Derrick
and I started dating. He was everything a girlcould
ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn抰
so much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands
that made him hard to resist and most times I fell
for it.
At first, I felt bad but when I couldn抰 help falling
into the same pit I killed theguilt on my inside. And
then one day, one of my friends said I was getting
fatter and that got me thinking and in the process I
began to link the dots協irst I
had a vomiting spree every morning which I
thought was due to a flu and then I had this
morning sickness which I felt was due to stress and
thenmy missing periodĺŤh no it can抰 be possible I
said to myself, I couldn抰 be pregnant!!
After a series of test outside school, I realized the
dead t truth, I was indeed pregnant. I was only
nineteen, Istill had a
whole life ahead of me, what was I going to do. I
couldn抰 tell my parents, they wouldn抰 hear of it. I
had to go to Derrick to tell him what I had found
out. On telling him, I saw him fly into a temper I
had never seen in my life. He was so hysterical,
calling me all sorts ofnames and I didn抰 even know
when I started crying heart drenching tears of hurt
and betrayal.
When he looked into my eyes he must have
realized how scared and hurt I was and so he
pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair
until I had calmed down and then he said to me in
the most subtle voice ever 攚hy don抰 you have an
ab-rtion�. I pulled back instantly, I couldn抰 have
an abrtion! But when he talked about my parents
and the sanctioning of the school and the
fellowship which I belonged to, I knew I had no
other choice.
Derrick had made all the arrangements and so on
the supposed day we went to the room- like clinic. I
shivered all through my way there but Derrick
kepttelling me that it would be okay and that he
was proud that I made such a brave decision.
When I entered into the room where the ab-*tion
was supposed to take place I laid down on the table
trying to dissociate my mind from what I was about
to do and then a young man toldme sternly, � you
know I can抰 perform this procedure with your
underwear on� and then I began to pull it off. As I
did this a sense of guilt overwhelmed me, first I had
pulled off my underw**ar of pleasure and now I was
pulling it off to get rid of the stigma the pleasure
had brought厀hat ashame, I felt so exposed.
All through the times that I felt instruments coming
in and out of me, Ikept thinking of the lady I had
become and the hypocrite I had transformed into. I
let out a sigh, only if I can get through this I
muttered� only if卆nd then I felt a sharp pain pierce
through the whole of my body, I screamed but
then the doctor told me to be quiet.
I felt another pain but this time I bit mylip and then
the pain began to come in successions. I
instinctively knew that something was wrong but I
was too weak to talk or to move and then I heard
the voices of Derrick and the doctor talking about
the fact that I wasbleeding excessively.
The pain was so unbearable and I could feel myself
getting weaker and weaker. With the last strength
in me, I pleaded with God 擮h Lord I抦 so sorry for
taking my under wears off, please forgive me.�
and I drifted into a world where the pain seemed
less hurtful and the voices seemed more distant.
Friends, our bodies are the temple of the Lord� Do
not take off your underwear when the time is not
right. Lots of girls
who gained admission into the university as virgins
eventually lost it socheaply to guys who have
nothing to do with their destinies. In a bid to get a
certificate, they sold out a destiny that certificate
cannot guarantee. Don't awaken love until it is time!
her feet. I was beautiful and I had eyes and hips
that could make men sway, and to top it all up, I
was a Christian, a very good Christian with a heart
burning for God.
When I entered the university, I met a guy, his
name was Derrick.
I couldn抰 believe my luck the first time I bumped
into him on my way to class, he had such a kind
smile and a tender look that weakened my knees
when he spoke.
Because I was late for class we couldn抰talk much
but barely three weeks later, I met him at the
fresher抯 night party and I was overwhelmed. We
got talking and I found out that he was in his
second year and from that night, we became an
inseparable pair.
At first, we were friends and as months passed by,
we got closer and closer and the chemistry
between us was undeniable.
About a year after I entered the university, Derrick
and I started dating. He was everything a girlcould
ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn抰
so much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands
that made him hard to resist and most times I fell
for it.
At first, I felt bad but when I couldn抰 help falling
into the same pit I killed theguilt on my inside. And
then one day, one of my friends said I was getting
fatter and that got me thinking and in the process I
began to link the dots協irst I
had a vomiting spree every morning which I
thought was due to a flu and then I had this
morning sickness which I felt was due to stress and
thenmy missing periodĺŤh no it can抰 be possible I
said to myself, I couldn抰 be pregnant!!
After a series of test outside school, I realized the
dead t truth, I was indeed pregnant. I was only
nineteen, Istill had a
whole life ahead of me, what was I going to do. I
couldn抰 tell my parents, they wouldn抰 hear of it. I
had to go to Derrick to tell him what I had found
out. On telling him, I saw him fly into a temper I
had never seen in my life. He was so hysterical,
calling me all sorts ofnames and I didn抰 even know
when I started crying heart drenching tears of hurt
and betrayal.
When he looked into my eyes he must have
realized how scared and hurt I was and so he
pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair
until I had calmed down and then he said to me in
the most subtle voice ever 攚hy don抰 you have an
ab-rtion�. I pulled back instantly, I couldn抰 have
an abrtion! But when he talked about my parents
and the sanctioning of the school and the
fellowship which I belonged to, I knew I had no
other choice.
Derrick had made all the arrangements and so on
the supposed day we went to the room- like clinic. I
shivered all through my way there but Derrick
kepttelling me that it would be okay and that he
was proud that I made such a brave decision.
When I entered into the room where the ab-*tion
was supposed to take place I laid down on the table
trying to dissociate my mind from what I was about
to do and then a young man toldme sternly, � you
know I can抰 perform this procedure with your
underwear on� and then I began to pull it off. As I
did this a sense of guilt overwhelmed me, first I had
pulled off my underw**ar of pleasure and now I was
pulling it off to get rid of the stigma the pleasure
had brought厀hat ashame, I felt so exposed.
All through the times that I felt instruments coming
in and out of me, Ikept thinking of the lady I had
become and the hypocrite I had transformed into. I
let out a sigh, only if I can get through this I
muttered� only if卆nd then I felt a sharp pain pierce
through the whole of my body, I screamed but
then the doctor told me to be quiet.
I felt another pain but this time I bit mylip and then
the pain began to come in successions. I
instinctively knew that something was wrong but I
was too weak to talk or to move and then I heard
the voices of Derrick and the doctor talking about
the fact that I wasbleeding excessively.
The pain was so unbearable and I could feel myself
getting weaker and weaker. With the last strength
in me, I pleaded with God 擮h Lord I抦 so sorry for
taking my under wears off, please forgive me.�
and I drifted into a world where the pain seemed
less hurtful and the voices seemed more distant.
Friends, our bodies are the temple of the Lord� Do
not take off your underwear when the time is not
right. Lots of girls
who gained admission into the university as virgins
eventually lost it socheaply to guys who have
nothing to do with their destinies. In a bid to get a
certificate, they sold out a destiny that certificate
cannot guarantee. Don't awaken love until it is time!
Girls are like apples on
trees. The best ones are
at the top of the tree. The
boys don’t want to
reach for the good ones
because they are afraid
of falling and getting
hurt. Instead, they just
get the rotten apples from
the ground that
aren’t as good, but easy. So
the apples at the top
think something is wrong
with them, when in
reality, they’re amazing.
They just have to wait
for the right boy to come
along, the one who’s
brave enough to climb all
the way to the top of
the tree..
It means that u must toil to
get the right woman.
good things are hard to
find. So fight for the one
you love not the one that
loves you.
A man is meant to love a
woman, and If a woman
loves a man. And the man
she loves didnt have any
feelings for her. It will
lead to heart break.
Men please if you truly
love someone go for her.
Dont you know that a
woman is a gift to all
They were born from our
ribs for us to protect them
not to break their heart.
All women are the same.
God created them equal.
If you have a good partner
and you love her so much
that you cant live without
Dont u ever think of
having sex with her.
Sex is not for youths
God created sex for
marriage couples only.
bad friends will advice
you to have sex with her.
Say no to them.
God told us in
1 Corinthians 6:13
“Food is meant for the
stomach and the stomach
food”—and God will
destroy both one and the
other. The body is not
for sexual immorality, but
for the Lord, and the Lord
for the body.
Stop having sex in your
Close friends will also
help u to register 2go and
facebook. That beautiful
girls are there.
What are the gains. Beauty
is in the heart not in the
If you truly need God in
your life.
Run away from things
immorality, impurity,
sensuality, idolatry,
sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, fits of anger,
rivalries, dissensions,
divisions, envy,
drunkenness, orgies, he
told us that those who do
such things will not
inherit the kingdom of
Talk to God.
He will give you the
power to overcome bad
I know that is not that
easy, but with God ALL things are possible!
trees. The best ones are
at the top of the tree. The
boys don’t want to
reach for the good ones
because they are afraid
of falling and getting
hurt. Instead, they just
get the rotten apples from
the ground that
aren’t as good, but easy. So
the apples at the top
think something is wrong
with them, when in
reality, they’re amazing.
They just have to wait
for the right boy to come
along, the one who’s
brave enough to climb all
the way to the top of
the tree..
It means that u must toil to
get the right woman.
good things are hard to
find. So fight for the one
you love not the one that
loves you.
A man is meant to love a
woman, and If a woman
loves a man. And the man
she loves didnt have any
feelings for her. It will
lead to heart break.
Men please if you truly
love someone go for her.
Dont you know that a
woman is a gift to all
They were born from our
ribs for us to protect them
not to break their heart.
All women are the same.
God created them equal.
If you have a good partner
and you love her so much
that you cant live without
Dont u ever think of
having sex with her.
Sex is not for youths
God created sex for
marriage couples only.
bad friends will advice
you to have sex with her.
Say no to them.
God told us in
1 Corinthians 6:13
“Food is meant for the
stomach and the stomach
food”—and God will
destroy both one and the
other. The body is not
for sexual immorality, but
for the Lord, and the Lord
for the body.
Stop having sex in your
Close friends will also
help u to register 2go and
facebook. That beautiful
girls are there.
What are the gains. Beauty
is in the heart not in the
If you truly need God in
your life.
Run away from things
immorality, impurity,
sensuality, idolatry,
sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, fits of anger,
rivalries, dissensions,
divisions, envy,
drunkenness, orgies, he
told us that those who do
such things will not
inherit the kingdom of
Talk to God.
He will give you the
power to overcome bad
I know that is not that
easy, but with God ALL things are possible!
It is mostly true that time can heal a broken heart. Permit me to
say, Heart break is different from 'hand break'. Hand break is
physical, while heart break is emotional. And most of the time emotional
pains are sometimes the most difficult pains to deal with.However, how
we act while heartbroken can affect the amount of pain we feel. The
following tips will work towards minimizing the pain and speed the
healing process.
Get rid of such objects that remind you of the person who broke your heart. Return, sell, or throw them away. Get rid of photos, letters, emails, and other such items.
Avoid that person if possible. Try to minimize meetings with your former love.
Recognize the reasons why you feel bad, think of ways in which some of these reasons can be eliminated or avoided.
Remember why the romance ended. The relationship ended because you deserve better.
Remember there will be better days ahead.
Spend more time with your friends and family.
If you do not workout or exercise, start doing that, as it helps reduce stress and depression. Exercise will help improve your body and self image.
Take a bath or shower when feeling very unhappy.
Start a new hobby or pastime. The pleasure of accomplishing something will counter act to the feelings of sadness.
Keep busy... Do something. Don't be idle, that might give a very conduesive environment for unneccessary worries and thinking.
Find activities to do that make you happy. Stay away from sad movies and the like.
Listen to music that gets adrenaline rushing, do not listen to slow, sad or romantic songs.
Meet new people, you might find someone who will heal your heart.
Finally please take note of this:You cannot revive something that God says is not going to work! Don't be afraid to let go - there is better ahead of you!
God is up to something. Rise up! Move on! God bless you..
Get rid of such objects that remind you of the person who broke your heart. Return, sell, or throw them away. Get rid of photos, letters, emails, and other such items.
Avoid that person if possible. Try to minimize meetings with your former love.
Recognize the reasons why you feel bad, think of ways in which some of these reasons can be eliminated or avoided.
Remember why the romance ended. The relationship ended because you deserve better.
Remember there will be better days ahead.
Spend more time with your friends and family.
If you do not workout or exercise, start doing that, as it helps reduce stress and depression. Exercise will help improve your body and self image.
Take a bath or shower when feeling very unhappy.
Start a new hobby or pastime. The pleasure of accomplishing something will counter act to the feelings of sadness.
Keep busy... Do something. Don't be idle, that might give a very conduesive environment for unneccessary worries and thinking.
Find activities to do that make you happy. Stay away from sad movies and the like.
Listen to music that gets adrenaline rushing, do not listen to slow, sad or romantic songs.
Meet new people, you might find someone who will heal your heart.
Finally please take note of this:You cannot revive something that God says is not going to work! Don't be afraid to let go - there is better ahead of you!
God is up to something. Rise up! Move on! God bless you..
Hello friends, Some days ago we delt with HOW TO DEAL WITH HEART
BREAK. I am gratful to God for the responses, the mails, the pings and
for all those who God healed. TODAY am going to be sharing with you: HOW
Many people ruin their health and their lives by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35 tells us that if we do not forgive people, we get turned over to the torturers. If you have a problem in this area or have ever had one, I'm sure you bear witness with what I'm saying. It's torture to have hateful thoughts toward another person rolling around inside your head. Some years ago I and a seniour colleague was prayer for a woman about a particular issue. We prayed and prayed and yet we were not sensing a release. The Spirit of God ministered to us that someone hurt the woman so badly and she resolved never to forgive the person. So we stopped the prayer and told the woman what the Spirit of God was saying. She responded by saying ' Pastor, you are right but if that is the only option I rather die with this problem. She started weeping uncontrollably. We gave her some time alone. She finally screamed I forgive you... We continued the prayer and that was it, God settled the issue. There was a release. Who are you helping most when you forgive the person who hurt you? Actually, you're helping yourself more than the other person. Unforgiveness makes you the Tortured, and at the same time the Torturer! You become both the tormented and at the same time the tormentor.Would you like to become more successful at forgiving others? There are practical steps that must be taken.
1. Decide – You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Choose to obey God and steadfastly resist the devil in his attempts to poison you with bitter thoughts. Make a quality decision to forgive, and God will heal your wounded emotions in due time (see Matthew 6:12-14).
2. Depend – You cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. It's too hard to do on your own. If you are truly willing, God will enable you, but you must humble yourself and cry out to Him for help. In John 20:22-23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit!" His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to breathe the Holy Spirit on you so you can forgive those who've hurt you.
3. Obey – The Word tells us several things we're to do concerning forgiving our enemies:
a. Pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you. Pray for their happiness and welfare (see Luke 6:27-28). As you pray, God can give them revelation that will bring them out of deception. They may not even be aware they hurt you, or maybe they're aware but are so self-centered that they don't care. Either way, they need revelation.
b. …Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). In the Greek to bless means "to speak well of" and to curse means "to speak evil of." You can't walk in forgiveness and be a gossip. You must stop repeating the offense. You can't get over it if you continue to talk about it. Proverbs 17:9 says that he who covers an offense seeks love.
READ | Matthew 6:9-15.
Scripture clearly teaches that we are to forgive those who hurt us. So let’s identify practical ways to confront the matter of unforgiveness head-on. You may want to keep this list in your Bible or close by for easy review.
1. Take it seriously. Unforgiveness is a major issue that shouldn’t be casually dismissed.
2. Assume full responsibility. Don’t blame anyone else for your feelings or actions.
3. Confess it honestly. Be specific and direct with God about what you feel, and acknowledge that unforgiveness is sin. Don’t “soften” the matter or let yourself off the hook.
4. Lay down your anger. Unless you deal with your resentment, bitterness can re-enter your life later on.
5. Pray for the other person. This may feel impossible or unnatural, but do it anyway. Praying is a choice to act lovingly, regardless of how you are treated. This will impact your entire relationship.
6. Ask that individual to forgive you. If the other person knows that you’ve been harboring bitterness, you need to ask for his or her forgiveness.
7. Do something nice for that person. Let a loving gesture demonstrate your desire to restore the relationship.
8. Don’t allow Satan to throw you back into unforgiveness. Once the matter is resolved, watch out for stray thoughts that could stir up memories of how the other person hurt you.
This process isn’t easy, but it works. If you go through these steps every time you are hurt, God will truly work miracles in your relationships. Have you been really hurt? Have you been raped? Have been abused? Have you been dissappointed? Have you been heart broken? FORGIVE, because by so doing, you will help yourself to move on..Don't make your heart a Prison, set that person free..don't be an Emotional Prison warder! Let Him or Her go.. Remember! As Long as You keep saying "I will never forgive Him or Her, you are saying "God will never forgive me". When you forgive, you ease your grieve. God bless you. If you have been blessed by this post, or You need to talk to someone, please send a ping to this pin 22054C10. Shalom
Many people ruin their health and their lives by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35 tells us that if we do not forgive people, we get turned over to the torturers. If you have a problem in this area or have ever had one, I'm sure you bear witness with what I'm saying. It's torture to have hateful thoughts toward another person rolling around inside your head. Some years ago I and a seniour colleague was prayer for a woman about a particular issue. We prayed and prayed and yet we were not sensing a release. The Spirit of God ministered to us that someone hurt the woman so badly and she resolved never to forgive the person. So we stopped the prayer and told the woman what the Spirit of God was saying. She responded by saying ' Pastor, you are right but if that is the only option I rather die with this problem. She started weeping uncontrollably. We gave her some time alone. She finally screamed I forgive you... We continued the prayer and that was it, God settled the issue. There was a release. Who are you helping most when you forgive the person who hurt you? Actually, you're helping yourself more than the other person. Unforgiveness makes you the Tortured, and at the same time the Torturer! You become both the tormented and at the same time the tormentor.Would you like to become more successful at forgiving others? There are practical steps that must be taken.
1. Decide – You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Choose to obey God and steadfastly resist the devil in his attempts to poison you with bitter thoughts. Make a quality decision to forgive, and God will heal your wounded emotions in due time (see Matthew 6:12-14).
2. Depend – You cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. It's too hard to do on your own. If you are truly willing, God will enable you, but you must humble yourself and cry out to Him for help. In John 20:22-23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit!" His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to breathe the Holy Spirit on you so you can forgive those who've hurt you.
3. Obey – The Word tells us several things we're to do concerning forgiving our enemies:
a. Pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you. Pray for their happiness and welfare (see Luke 6:27-28). As you pray, God can give them revelation that will bring them out of deception. They may not even be aware they hurt you, or maybe they're aware but are so self-centered that they don't care. Either way, they need revelation.
b. …Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). In the Greek to bless means "to speak well of" and to curse means "to speak evil of." You can't walk in forgiveness and be a gossip. You must stop repeating the offense. You can't get over it if you continue to talk about it. Proverbs 17:9 says that he who covers an offense seeks love.
READ | Matthew 6:9-15.
Scripture clearly teaches that we are to forgive those who hurt us. So let’s identify practical ways to confront the matter of unforgiveness head-on. You may want to keep this list in your Bible or close by for easy review.
1. Take it seriously. Unforgiveness is a major issue that shouldn’t be casually dismissed.
2. Assume full responsibility. Don’t blame anyone else for your feelings or actions.
3. Confess it honestly. Be specific and direct with God about what you feel, and acknowledge that unforgiveness is sin. Don’t “soften” the matter or let yourself off the hook.
4. Lay down your anger. Unless you deal with your resentment, bitterness can re-enter your life later on.
5. Pray for the other person. This may feel impossible or unnatural, but do it anyway. Praying is a choice to act lovingly, regardless of how you are treated. This will impact your entire relationship.
6. Ask that individual to forgive you. If the other person knows that you’ve been harboring bitterness, you need to ask for his or her forgiveness.
7. Do something nice for that person. Let a loving gesture demonstrate your desire to restore the relationship.
8. Don’t allow Satan to throw you back into unforgiveness. Once the matter is resolved, watch out for stray thoughts that could stir up memories of how the other person hurt you.
This process isn’t easy, but it works. If you go through these steps every time you are hurt, God will truly work miracles in your relationships. Have you been really hurt? Have you been raped? Have been abused? Have you been dissappointed? Have you been heart broken? FORGIVE, because by so doing, you will help yourself to move on..Don't make your heart a Prison, set that person free..don't be an Emotional Prison warder! Let Him or Her go.. Remember! As Long as You keep saying "I will never forgive Him or Her, you are saying "God will never forgive me". When you forgive, you ease your grieve. God bless you. If you have been blessed by this post, or You need to talk to someone, please send a ping to this pin 22054C10. Shalom
When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart.
His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body.
You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.
You are my perfect angel. You are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtue in your heart. Your eyes - don't change them. Your lips - how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose so perfect in form your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep; I've held your heart close to mine.
Of all that lives and breathes, you are the most like me. Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support. You are special because you are the extension of me.
Man represents my image - woman, my emotions. Together, you represent totality of God. So man - treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt me.
What you do to her, you do to me. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father.
Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle quietness show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self.........SEE Isaiah 62 for the concluding part of this letter.
HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all Mothers and intending Mothers...On behalf of Fathers and intending futuristic fathers I salute you! 22054C10
But you woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart.
His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage supports the body.
You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side.
You are my perfect angel. You are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtue in your heart. Your eyes - don't change them. Your lips - how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose so perfect in form your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep; I've held your heart close to mine.
Of all that lives and breathes, you are the most like me. Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support. You are special because you are the extension of me.
Man represents my image - woman, my emotions. Together, you represent totality of God. So man - treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt me.
What you do to her, you do to me. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father.
Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle quietness show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self.........SEE Isaiah 62 for the concluding part of this letter.
HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all Mothers and intending Mothers...On behalf of Fathers and intending futuristic fathers I salute you! 22054C10
If you saw the movie "Titanic," you have a picture of what took
place when the ship that the experts said "even God couldn't sink", DID
sink. Of the 1,528 people who ended up in the icy water, only six were
rescued. But did you know that one of those six was actually saved twice
that night?
His story is an inspiring reminder that there's more to life than mere survival.
To tell this man's story, though, I have to first tell you about another man, a Scot named John Harper. Harper, a minister of the Gospel, boarded the Titanic with his six-year-old daughter, Nana. He planned to travel to the Moody Church in Chicago, where he'd been invited to preach for three months. When the ship struck the fateful iceberg and began to sink, Harper made sure his daughter was placed into one of the lifeboats. He then began what would be the last evangelistic work of his young life.
As the freezing waters began to fill the ship, Harper was heard shouting, "Let the women, children and the unsaved into the lifeboats." Survivors reported that Harper took off his own life jacket and gave it to another man. "Don't worry about me," he reportedly said, "I'm not going down, I'm going up!"
When the ship began to sink, more than 1,500 passengers jumped or fell into the icy waters. As they gradually drowned or froze to death, Harper was seen swimming from one passenger to another, pleading with them to accept Christ.
Only six of the 1,500 people struggling in the water were later rescued, including a man who later identified himself as Harper's last convert. This young man had climbed up on a piece of debris. Harper, who was struggling in the water near him, shouted out, "Are you saved?" "No," the man replied. Harper then shouted the words from Scripture: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." The man did not answer, and a moment later he drifted away on the waves.
A few minutes later, the current brought the two men back together. Again Harper asked, "Are you saved?" Once again, the answer was "no." With his dying breath, Harper shouted, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He then slipped under the waves for the last time.
Then and there, the man he had witnessed to decided to turn his life over to Christ. Four years later, at a Titanic survivors meeting in Ontario, Canada, this man tearfully gave his testimony recounting how John Harper had led him to the Lord.
I don't need to tell you that this dramatic story never made it into the movie. We live in a culture that seems to be more interested in fictional stories of romance, illicit sex, and priceless jewelry than in the real romance between God and His people.
When the subject of the Titanic comes up,tell your friends the story of the young Scottish minister who witnessed to Christ with his dying breath. And make sure your kids know the story as well. John Harper reminds us of a great lesson, the secret of the ages: that there's more to life than mere survival. No wonder he was able to face death without fear. If you are not SAVED, you are not SAFE! Don't exist, LIVE! ARE YOU SAFE? If you are not SAVED, you are not SAFE!
His story is an inspiring reminder that there's more to life than mere survival.
To tell this man's story, though, I have to first tell you about another man, a Scot named John Harper. Harper, a minister of the Gospel, boarded the Titanic with his six-year-old daughter, Nana. He planned to travel to the Moody Church in Chicago, where he'd been invited to preach for three months. When the ship struck the fateful iceberg and began to sink, Harper made sure his daughter was placed into one of the lifeboats. He then began what would be the last evangelistic work of his young life.
As the freezing waters began to fill the ship, Harper was heard shouting, "Let the women, children and the unsaved into the lifeboats." Survivors reported that Harper took off his own life jacket and gave it to another man. "Don't worry about me," he reportedly said, "I'm not going down, I'm going up!"
When the ship began to sink, more than 1,500 passengers jumped or fell into the icy waters. As they gradually drowned or froze to death, Harper was seen swimming from one passenger to another, pleading with them to accept Christ.
Only six of the 1,500 people struggling in the water were later rescued, including a man who later identified himself as Harper's last convert. This young man had climbed up on a piece of debris. Harper, who was struggling in the water near him, shouted out, "Are you saved?" "No," the man replied. Harper then shouted the words from Scripture: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." The man did not answer, and a moment later he drifted away on the waves.
A few minutes later, the current brought the two men back together. Again Harper asked, "Are you saved?" Once again, the answer was "no." With his dying breath, Harper shouted, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He then slipped under the waves for the last time.
Then and there, the man he had witnessed to decided to turn his life over to Christ. Four years later, at a Titanic survivors meeting in Ontario, Canada, this man tearfully gave his testimony recounting how John Harper had led him to the Lord.
I don't need to tell you that this dramatic story never made it into the movie. We live in a culture that seems to be more interested in fictional stories of romance, illicit sex, and priceless jewelry than in the real romance between God and His people.
When the subject of the Titanic comes up,tell your friends the story of the young Scottish minister who witnessed to Christ with his dying breath. And make sure your kids know the story as well. John Harper reminds us of a great lesson, the secret of the ages: that there's more to life than mere survival. No wonder he was able to face death without fear. If you are not SAVED, you are not SAFE! Don't exist, LIVE! ARE YOU SAFE? If you are not SAVED, you are not SAFE!
It has been 100 years since Titanic, the greatest ship of its
time, sank on its maiden voyage, killing more than 1,500 passengers. The
"unsinkable ship" had done just that, and on the tragedy's centennial
we stand captivated by the story. Many movies, documentaries and books
have familiarized us with some of the passengers, such as entrepreneur
John Jacob Astor IV or the "Unsinkable" Molly Brown. Yet one of the
supreme stories of the Titanic involves a heroic pastor and his passion
to save lives and souls.
When pastor and preacher John Harper and six year old daughter boarded the Titanic it was for the privilege of preaching at one of the greatest churches in America, Moody Church in Chicago, named for its famous founder Dwight L. Moody. The church was anxiously awaiting his arrival not only because of the pending services, but to meet their next pastor, as Harper planned to accept their invitation. Harper was known as an engaging preacher and had pastored two churches in Glasgow and London. His preaching style was suited for an evangelist as testified by the words of another local pastor. "He was a great open-air preacher and could always command large and appreciative audiences. ... He could deal with all kinds of interrupters, his great and intelligent grasp of Bible truths enabling him to successfully combat all assailants."
When the Titanic hit the iceberg, Harper successfully led his daughter to a lifeboat. Being a widower he may have been allowed to join her but instead forsook his own rescue, choosing to provide the masses with one more chance to know Christ. Harper ran person to person, passionately telling others about Christ. As the water began to submerge the "unsinkable" ship, Harper was heard shouting, "women, children, and the unsaved into the lifeboats." Rebuffed by a certain man at the offer of salvation Harper gave him his own life vest, saying, "you need this more than I do." Up until the last moment on the ship Harper pleaded with people to give their lives to Jesus.
John Harper
The ship disappeared beneath the deep frigid waters leaving hundreds floundering in its wake with no realistic chance for rescue. Harper struggled through hyperthermia to swim to as many people as he could, still sharing the Gospel. Harper evidentially would lose his battle with hypothermia but not before giving many people one last glorious Gospel witness.
Four years after the tragedy at a Titanic survivor's meeting in Ontario, Canada, one survivor recounted his interaction with Harper in the middle of the icy waters of the Atlantic. He testified he was clinging to ship debris when Harper swam up to him, twice challenging him with a biblical invitation to "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He rejected the offer once. Yet given the second chance and with miles of water beneath his feet, the man gave his life to Christ. Then as Harper succumbed to his watery grave, this new believer was rescued by a returning lifeboat. As he concluded his remarks at the Ontario meeting of survivors he simply stated, "I am the last convert of John Harper."
When the Titanic set sail there were delineations of three classes of passengers. Yet immediately after the tragedy, the White Star Line in Liverpool, England placed a board outside its office with only two classes of passengers reading, KNOWN TO BE SAVED and KNOWN TO BE LOST. The owners of the Titanic had simply reaffirmed what John Harper already knew. There are people who know Christ and will spend eternity with God in heaven and many others who will not.
For us, 100 years after the Titanic, may we be as zealous as Harper was with every opportunity to share Christ with the perishing.
When pastor and preacher John Harper and six year old daughter boarded the Titanic it was for the privilege of preaching at one of the greatest churches in America, Moody Church in Chicago, named for its famous founder Dwight L. Moody. The church was anxiously awaiting his arrival not only because of the pending services, but to meet their next pastor, as Harper planned to accept their invitation. Harper was known as an engaging preacher and had pastored two churches in Glasgow and London. His preaching style was suited for an evangelist as testified by the words of another local pastor. "He was a great open-air preacher and could always command large and appreciative audiences. ... He could deal with all kinds of interrupters, his great and intelligent grasp of Bible truths enabling him to successfully combat all assailants."
When the Titanic hit the iceberg, Harper successfully led his daughter to a lifeboat. Being a widower he may have been allowed to join her but instead forsook his own rescue, choosing to provide the masses with one more chance to know Christ. Harper ran person to person, passionately telling others about Christ. As the water began to submerge the "unsinkable" ship, Harper was heard shouting, "women, children, and the unsaved into the lifeboats." Rebuffed by a certain man at the offer of salvation Harper gave him his own life vest, saying, "you need this more than I do." Up until the last moment on the ship Harper pleaded with people to give their lives to Jesus.
John Harper
The ship disappeared beneath the deep frigid waters leaving hundreds floundering in its wake with no realistic chance for rescue. Harper struggled through hyperthermia to swim to as many people as he could, still sharing the Gospel. Harper evidentially would lose his battle with hypothermia but not before giving many people one last glorious Gospel witness.
Four years after the tragedy at a Titanic survivor's meeting in Ontario, Canada, one survivor recounted his interaction with Harper in the middle of the icy waters of the Atlantic. He testified he was clinging to ship debris when Harper swam up to him, twice challenging him with a biblical invitation to "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." He rejected the offer once. Yet given the second chance and with miles of water beneath his feet, the man gave his life to Christ. Then as Harper succumbed to his watery grave, this new believer was rescued by a returning lifeboat. As he concluded his remarks at the Ontario meeting of survivors he simply stated, "I am the last convert of John Harper."
When the Titanic set sail there were delineations of three classes of passengers. Yet immediately after the tragedy, the White Star Line in Liverpool, England placed a board outside its office with only two classes of passengers reading, KNOWN TO BE SAVED and KNOWN TO BE LOST. The owners of the Titanic had simply reaffirmed what John Harper already knew. There are people who know Christ and will spend eternity with God in heaven and many others who will not.
For us, 100 years after the Titanic, may we be as zealous as Harper was with every opportunity to share Christ with the perishing.
1. She handles herself gracefully (Proverbs 11:16)
2. She loves and embraces children (Psalm 113:9, Titus 2:4)
3. She speaks with wisdom (Proverbs 31:26)
4. She has discretion (Proverbs 11:22)
5. She is able to be fully trusted by her husband (Proverbs 31:11)
6. She desires to be her husband’s most faithful companion and closest confidant (Malachi 2:14)
7. She joyfully embraces being a woman and abhors feminism (Psalm 113:9, Romans 12:9)
8. She can manage her home well (Proverbs 31:27, Titus 2:5, 1 Tim 5:14)
9. She is diligent to accomplish anything entrusted to her care (Proverbs 31:13, 1 Tim 5:10)
10. She is firm in her convictions and desires to teach younger women the virtues of godly
womanhood through her example and instruction. (Titus 2:4)
11. She desires for, and encourages men to be leaders in their families, churches and society. (Isaiah 3:12, Eph. 5:23, Titus 1:5-6)
12. She desires to build up and strengthen her home (Proverbs 14:1)
13. She desires to raise and train the next president, not BE the next president (Proverbs 31:1, Isaiah 3:12)
14. She believes children are a blessing from God, not a burden (Deut. 7:14, 33:24, 127:3)
15. She has a humble spirit (1 Peter 3:4)
16. She looks up to, follows, and respects her husband as the leader of the home (1 Cor. 14:35, Eph. 5:33)
17. She has a quiet spirit, and influences others through godly conduct (1 Peter 3:1-2, 4, 1 Tim. 2:12)
18. She desires to be a mother of nations, not a leader of nations (Genesis 24:60)
19. She has a heart to open her home to hospitality and service to others (1 Tim. 5:10)
20. She cares for the saints (1 Tim. 5:10)
21. She is capable and skilled to clothe her family and decorate her home (Prov. 31:21-22)
22. She desires to model the examples of holy women in Scripture (1 Peter 3:5)
23. She has skills to prepare meals for her family and bless others through hospitality (Prov. 31:15)
24. She is able to teach her children with practical, life instruction (Proverbs 31:1, 26, 6:20)
25. She desires to please her husband and do him good all his life (Prov. 31:12, 1 Cor. 7:34)
26. She is able to manage a business from her home (Prov. 31:18)
27. She can be trusted with wise discretion in spending (Prov. 31:16)
28. She cares for the poor and the needy (Prov. 31:20)
29. She clothes herself in modesty and good works and does not desire to attract or distract men’s eyes (1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Tim. 2:9-10)
30. She has a kind and helpful attitude (Prov. 31:26-27)
31. She is prudent: intelligent, productive, skillful, wise and has understanding (Prov. 19:14)
A woman such as this is priceless: her value is far above rubies. Her husband will exalt her, praise her, love her, give up his life for her, and her children will call her blessed. The man that finds such a woman, is truly undeserving of such an honor, as God has bestowed upon him a blessing only few will find.
2. She loves and embraces children (Psalm 113:9, Titus 2:4)
3. She speaks with wisdom (Proverbs 31:26)
4. She has discretion (Proverbs 11:22)
5. She is able to be fully trusted by her husband (Proverbs 31:11)
6. She desires to be her husband’s most faithful companion and closest confidant (Malachi 2:14)
7. She joyfully embraces being a woman and abhors feminism (Psalm 113:9, Romans 12:9)
8. She can manage her home well (Proverbs 31:27, Titus 2:5, 1 Tim 5:14)
9. She is diligent to accomplish anything entrusted to her care (Proverbs 31:13, 1 Tim 5:10)
10. She is firm in her convictions and desires to teach younger women the virtues of godly
womanhood through her example and instruction. (Titus 2:4)
11. She desires for, and encourages men to be leaders in their families, churches and society. (Isaiah 3:12, Eph. 5:23, Titus 1:5-6)
12. She desires to build up and strengthen her home (Proverbs 14:1)
13. She desires to raise and train the next president, not BE the next president (Proverbs 31:1, Isaiah 3:12)
14. She believes children are a blessing from God, not a burden (Deut. 7:14, 33:24, 127:3)
15. She has a humble spirit (1 Peter 3:4)
16. She looks up to, follows, and respects her husband as the leader of the home (1 Cor. 14:35, Eph. 5:33)
17. She has a quiet spirit, and influences others through godly conduct (1 Peter 3:1-2, 4, 1 Tim. 2:12)
18. She desires to be a mother of nations, not a leader of nations (Genesis 24:60)
19. She has a heart to open her home to hospitality and service to others (1 Tim. 5:10)
20. She cares for the saints (1 Tim. 5:10)
21. She is capable and skilled to clothe her family and decorate her home (Prov. 31:21-22)
22. She desires to model the examples of holy women in Scripture (1 Peter 3:5)
23. She has skills to prepare meals for her family and bless others through hospitality (Prov. 31:15)
24. She is able to teach her children with practical, life instruction (Proverbs 31:1, 26, 6:20)
25. She desires to please her husband and do him good all his life (Prov. 31:12, 1 Cor. 7:34)
26. She is able to manage a business from her home (Prov. 31:18)
27. She can be trusted with wise discretion in spending (Prov. 31:16)
28. She cares for the poor and the needy (Prov. 31:20)
29. She clothes herself in modesty and good works and does not desire to attract or distract men’s eyes (1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Tim. 2:9-10)
30. She has a kind and helpful attitude (Prov. 31:26-27)
31. She is prudent: intelligent, productive, skillful, wise and has understanding (Prov. 19:14)
A woman such as this is priceless: her value is far above rubies. Her husband will exalt her, praise her, love her, give up his life for her, and her children will call her blessed. The man that finds such a woman, is truly undeserving of such an honor, as God has bestowed upon him a blessing only few will find.
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. We believe
THEREFORE We SPEAK. Your confession in times of confusion is the
conclusion of your condition. What you say is where you will get to and
where you get to is where you will stay! So speak yourself to the peak!
Say aloud, I am favoured of God therefore, I am led by the Spirit of God at all times. I declare I am at the right place, at right time, with the right people, doing the right thing and achieving great results. I declare policies, rules, laws, regulations, customs, traditions, constitutions, decrees, edicts they are changed and they are reversed to and for my advantage because I am favoured of God. Shalom
Say aloud, I am favoured of God therefore, I am led by the Spirit of God at all times. I declare I am at the right place, at right time, with the right people, doing the right thing and achieving great results. I declare policies, rules, laws, regulations, customs, traditions, constitutions, decrees, edicts they are changed and they are reversed to and for my advantage because I am favoured of God. Shalom
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